by Jacquelyn Reeves | Sep 8, 2020 | Communication
How to Effectively Market to Americans?A case study from a successful German company Jacquelyn Reeves interviewed by Patrick Witt,Senior Sales & Influencer Manager US (2016)Spreadshirt (Leipzig) Jacquelyn Reeves is an expert in the field of intercultural...
by Jacquelyn Reeves | Sep 8, 2020 | Awards & Events, Uncategorized
A Blank Slate? Brain science and culturesLetter from FlorenceApril 4- 6, 2019 Here is my review of the conference and the three presenters I attended: Florence, Firenze, Italy in the spring. What could be a better place to have the conference “Tabula Rasa? A Blank...
by Jacquelyn Reeves | Sep 8, 2020 | Communication
Review: Managing Challenges Across CulturesBy Roberto Guida, David Trickey, Ezio Fregnan Managing Challenges Across Cultures describes and documents the path of a complex global organization to multicultural proficiency as designed and implemented by the...